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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Join columns of fixed to other columns of data

8 - Asteroid

I can't seem to get these two sets of data to join. I've used both the join tool and the union tool but since they don't have a common set of data it's not returning a data set. I just want the set of data from first screenshot to join with the set of data from the second screenshot, so that it is formatted like the third screenshot. In other words, I just want the daylight savings begin date and daylight savings end date to be added as columns with the dates dragged all the way down. 


I have the daylight savings columns set up as text inputs and the other set of data is pulled from a database. 






21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris


Append tool is what you need I think.
be careful about the more than 16 records, you need to change the option.


