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Iterative macro doesnt add up values safety stock calculation

5 - Atom



I am trying to create a workflow where i can calculate and display safety stock levels. It is almost ready, but I need to solve one challenge. 

I need to add a macro to keep on adding the boxes until one of the critirias is met ( packaging level should be sufificient for more days than the lead time)



I need iterative macro for that ( it adds an extra box to the 'recommended order' until the 'stock is sufficient'  for longer time than the average lead time. 


It is not adding anything. 


I added a filter here:  when the condition is met it outputs the data

if it doesnt it should add +1 to the 'how many to order' collumn


I wish in first iteration ' how many to order' column will be updated and the formula tool will recalculate all the other fields -    including [stock sufficnet for days after receivng]) .


then it flows to the filter and again if condition is met it outputs the data if not we get another iteration   until criterias are met for all records...




thanks for help!

5 - Atom

Ok I solved it - by changing the iteration output in macro setting to the LOOP output instead instead of normal output :)


