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Iterative Macro Help! Parse hierarchy to find specific key decision makers

5 - Atom

Hello Alteryx Community!  I am a basic to mid-level Alteryx user and I am in way over my head. 



I have a hierarchy with ColumnA - Name of Associate, ColumnB - Manager, ColumnC - Next Level Manager.


I then have a separate list of people who we are calling "Decision Makers".  These are Director or VP level associates in most cases but not all.


What I need as an end result is to have a ColumnD in my original data set that would identify who is the "Decision Maker" for each associate based on the information in ColumnB and ColumnC.  The issue that I run into is that in almost every case there are 4-7 levels of hierarchy.


I found this community challenge on iterative macros but most of the examples are just listing which level in the hierarchy they are in and as I mentioned I am pretty new to Macro's in general and I am struggling with the complexity to adjust it to my needs.

13 - Pulsar

Can you share your dataset and what you have so far?

Try thinking about it in a different way. How would you solve it in a brute force method? Probably by repeating very similar steps 4-7 times in your workflow.

Your macro is essentially going to be one set of those steps. Items that fit a 'done' condition can be sent to the final output tool and items that need to be run through again should be sent to the iterative output.


