Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Iterative Macro - Access the Max Number of Iterations Value

8 - Asteroid

Is it possible to access the Max Number of Iterations value from within an iterative macro?  I know the current iteration number is accessible via a constant, but I don't see a way to access the max value.

17 - Castor

Hi @mse139 


Yes, from within the macro go to the interface designer settings:





19 - Altair

Is the question how to set the max iteration (if so - @Luke_C  has succinctly answered that). If the question is can you access that number as a constant in the workflow or change that number via action tool - I do not believe so. I played around with and can see no way to access it.... Maybe there's some export metadata to python tool thing that someone knows about that can capture it, but I couldn't see a way.

8 - Asteroid

@apathetichell My question was if I could access that constant from within the workflow and perhaps update it during execution.  I couldn't find a way to access it either.  Thanks!

19 - Altair

@mse139I looked into the macro input/macro output connections as well but neither allows hooking up an action tool to modify it... There may be an unpublished (or published one place long ago) extended list of workflow constants and how to access it but I haven't seen it...
