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Issue with using 2 control parameters in batch macro

5 - Atom

Hi Everyone,


I am facing an issue with control parameters in Batch Macro.


I am using 2 control params "Record_ID" and "Record_ID_months"  coming from the same file and linking it to the macro.



The control params are linked to a filter Node in macro. the filter is " Record_ID > 50 and Record_ID_months < 100" . I am replacing 50 with Record_ID and  100 with Record_ID_months in the action node in Macro.


When I am using just one control param, it works but when i try with two, it does not give the required output. It still seems to accept only one control param.

Please help in resolving the issue. 

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

I think the batch macro will work even for 2 control paremeters.
Can you provide a sample input and output?

