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Isolate Conversion Error

7 - Meteor

Hey Alteryx Fam,


Wondering if anyone has any quick tips or tricks to isolate conversions error records in a flow.


Below is an example of a recent flow I ran. Not looking for a specific solution to this example, but rather a more general way isolate these and either correct or delete them. 


(Unfortunately, this particular example is a manual log file, and each of the below appear to be data entry/manual mistakes. 


Thanks all!




Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Use the warning messages to help isolate the errors.


For example, the first one says "Loan Amount: $125,000 is not a valid number." I'm assuming you went from a string value to a numeric data type in the Select tool. If you click on the individual line item it will actually go to the specific tool where the warning is coming up.


The warning is for the loan amount field. You can use a filter to look for where loan amount is "$125,000." The "$" and "," make the value a string and it therefore cannot be a number. You can use a Data Cleansing tool to clean these up.


Hope this helps!

7 - Meteor

Thanks that’s definitely helpful. I wanted to check and make sure there weren’t any tools I hadn’t come across yet that would batch isolate just issues if, for example, there were a lot more and to varying degrees and types. 

thanks again

5 - Atom

Hi, how can I use the data cleansing tool to solve this issue?


kind regards,


