Background: I have a Calgary Database that holds email data. I have input data that has Address information. With these two files I already have the ability to use the Calgary Join tool to join by ZIP, pull all of the email data and then use a regular join to determine which records from my input file match to the calgary data based on the address fields. (See Snapshot 1). It is great to be able to do this, however, the downfall is that if I want to instead input a file of Email and Calgary join on Email to return the address we have in the Calgary file I have to update the Calgary join logic as well as the regular join logic.
I aim to make this more flexible by embedding the calgary database within a macro such that the user can make the appropriate selections on the macro. I have already figured out how to change the Calgary Join option and can toggle between ZIP and EMAIL, however, I am not sure how to configure the join tool such that the user can select what fields to join on there. (See Snapshot 2)
While I have only included a basic set up in the pictures, me goal would be to include many other tools within the macros to do all of the data clean up as well as I don't want those to be recreated over and over within the main workflow but already set up within the macro.
I would strongly recommend using a dynamic rename to rename the field you want to join on to a static name - and joining on the static name. you can get the corrected fieldname after. I would not recommend changing join fields in an action tool.