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Inserting comma between strings within a column

8 - Asteroid

Hi I would like to insert a comma between the fast food restaurants show in attachment.


Any help is appreciated.



12 - Quasar

@mzsweetumz you can use the Concatenate function within the Summarize tool to perform this action.


1. Insert a Summarize tool immediately following your Fast Food input
2. In the Summarize tool's configuration settings, you'll go to Add > String > Concatenate. The comma separator will be the default option.

8 - Asteroid

hmm this didn't work

12 - Quasar

@mzsweetumz are you needing the list of restaurants in two columns, with the first column being every restaurant, and the concatenation in occurring in the last column for the last row; or, are you just needing the concatenated list of restaurants within your data set?


If it is the first one, I'll direct you to the first container in the attached.

Solution 1.png


If it is the latter, go with the second.

Solution 2.png

8 - Asteroid

@rzdodson Thank you, but the issue is the restaurant names are not in separate rows... they're already concatenated into one row separated by a space/line/enter? I am trying to separate it by comma.

12 - Quasar

@mzsweetumz presuming you are starting out with Column 2 as your initial input, and you are trying to get to what the output looks like in Column 1, you can insert a Text to Columns tool - it has an embedded Split to Rows function inside that will enable you to separate on delimiters. Hope this gets you closer to what you need. :)




17 - Castor

Hey @mzsweetumz, if it's a linebreak you're looking to replace then you can just use the Replace() function like so:




Replace([Fast food], '
', ', ')
12 - Quasar

Hi @mzsweetumz 


Assuming your data is stacked as newlines, use formula: REGEX_REPLACE([Fast food],'\n',', ')
