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Input multiple files from same folder

8 - Asteroid

Hi ,
I am trying to input multiple files from same folder using (*) having similar names with same format (input contents are having same rows)
I am able to pull out only two of them , not sure what is the problem ?

Could anyone please help?
Thanks in advance !


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @QurrathAmeena,


The rest of the files is in a different format. 


Please input one of them manually and check if the names of the column/data types are exactly the same.


I think this will be quite easy to check and will allow you to understand where is the problem.

8 - Asteroid

Thanks for the reply @Emil_Kos .
I checked all the excel files have same structure but seems like it pulls out just two out of ten files , could there be any other  problem?

11 - Bolide

Hi @QurrathAmeena ,


Since you are using Input tool and wildcard (*), please check for filenames that you want to input.

Maybe the filenames are not getting mapped.



Shreyansh Rathod

11 - Bolide

@QurrathAmeena ,


Also check the file formats.

E.g if two of those files are '.xlsx' and rest of them are '.xls'

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @QurrathAmeena 


The files may "look" like they have the same structure, but to use the wild card input, the files have to "be" the same structure.


Try this: Add a Input tool for one of the files that works and another Input tool for a file that doesn't.  Follow each of these with a Field Info tool which will extract the names and types of the fields in the files.  Join the output of the 2 Field Info tools on Name and look for any values in the R or L outputs of the Join tool.  These will be the fields that cause differences.  


These differences can come from many sources. 

- Fields can have leading or trailing spaces. 

- The file may have had data in columns beyond the ones with headers, but data was erased without erasing the extra columns



8 - Asteroid

Thanks @danilang 
I could figure out what the underlying problem was.
There were fields which were not of same data types and hence wild card wasn't working. 

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @QurrathAmeena ,


I've built a couple of tools to do exactly this.


I've attached them and an example workflow.

I hope this helps,



