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Input Tool - Question on errors I receive with Workflow connected to Access Database

12 - Quasar



I built a workflow a few years back which extracts the data from an Access table and utilizes it within Alteryx to combine with additional information.


It obviously worked fine when I built it.  I loaded it to the Prod server years ago and it has run successfully every week ever since.


Today, I went into the workflow to review something about the process that takes place and I immediately get error when I open the tool.  (See Existing Input Error.png)


I clicked into the Configuration window and hit the "..." button to the right of "3. Table or Query" to see what was available.  The pop-up window shows the table name in SQL Editor button.  When I select the Tables button, it says "Get Table List Error: Error Opening connect string: Unknown error".  Beneath that box it says "Table List is Cached.  Last Refresh 06/09/2014 at 11:00AM.  Only problem here is that the Access Database was built 3 years later and the workflow was built in 2018. (See Weird Last Cache Date.png)


I also tried the refresh button.  That doesnt work. 


I tried deleting and rebuilding the input tool and I get a pop-up saying "Connection Error: External component has thrown an exception" (See Input Connection Error.png)


I am stumped.  It works on the Server AND i can also open the Access database and move around in it no problem.  Not sure why Alteryx can no longer connect to it.


Any suggestions?

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

My only guess is that maybe your Jet drivers are outdated / out of whack? 

Joshua Burkhow - Alteryx Ace | Global Alteryx Architect @PwC | Blogger @ AlterTricks
12 - Quasar

Something was out of whack.  I had rebooted, etc. yesterday with no success.  Overnight I did a full shut down and when I logged in this morning, I was able to run the workflow and connect the data. 


Its like that Cousin Eddie said in Christmas Vacation:  "She falls down a well, her eyes go cross. She gets kicked by a mule. They go back. I don’t know"


Just more proof that I need to make a push away from Access Database usage in our area.  Sadly, I was the one that created this monster years ago and now I am paying the price.  🙂


@joshuaburkhow Thanks for the additional detail in your reply as well.  I am going to hold that in my back pocket as I am sure to run into more Access database issues in the future.  Have a great day.

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Glad that helped! 

Joshua Burkhow - Alteryx Ace | Global Alteryx Architect @PwC | Blogger @ AlterTricks
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

For other users that might be seeing this error message, there are a few approaches that have been helpful to other users

  • When using Access or Excel you might find that you need to install the Microsoft Access Database Engine Redistributable 2010 32-bit.
  • Reinstall software (You might want to do a complete uninstall first, but back up the Alteryx directories or just rename them rather than deleting them if you have been working in Alteryx for a while.)
  • Test to see whether you observe the same issue when you disable your AntiVirus software.
Lisa LePome
Principal Support Engineer -- Knowledge Management Coach
Alteryx, Inc.
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