Dear Community,
I want to import selected files from various folders. These files are xlsx or xls. Inside these files there are many sheets and particularly I want to import Sheet 1 ( All the time) & Sheet 3 (not all the time). Sheet 1 and Sheet 3 has similar lines count.
My requirement is
1. I want Alteryx to read these selected files which are saved in this particular location.
2. Alteryx should read column of my choice from Sheet 3 and add it to Sheet 1.
3. Output Sheet 1 only
At present I add these files manually and it takes lots of time. Can I have a solution (Macro or otherwise) in which I give the file location in a spreadsheet as below and Alteryx read it manually the file location and add a selected column from Sheet 3 to Sheet 1 if Sheet 3 is present. I am new to Alteryx; your help is appreciated.
Can you provide a few sample files? Also any workflow you may have created so far?