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If clause Formula-tool

5 - Atom

Hey there, Im pretty new to ALteryx and got a quick question regarding the if-clause. The problem I have is that I get an Error message when using the following formular and I dont know why.


IF IsNull([First Release Year3])AND IsNull([First Release Year2]) then [First Release Year1] Else If IsNull([First Release Year3]) AND !IsNull([First Release Year2]) then [First Release Year2] Else [First Release Year3] ENDIF


The formula should go through each of the coloumns and if true Add the Value [FR1 or FR2 or FR3] to the new column. There probably is a much easier way to do it but I now really wanna solve it in this way.


Any help is appreciated! Cheers

17 - Castor

Hi @Levin128 


Please try the below formula.


IF IsNull([First Release Year3]) AND IsNull([First Release Year2])
THEN [First Release Year1]
ELSEIF IsNull([First Release Year3]) AND IsNull([First Release Year1])
THEN [First Release Year2]
ELSE [First Release Year3]


Many thanks

Shanker V

17 - Castor

Hi @Levin128 


Or one more easy formula also.


IF !IsNull([First Release Year1])
THEN [First Release Year1]
ELSEIF !IsNull([First Release Year2])
THEN [First Release Year2]
ELSE [First Release Year3]


Many thanks

Shanker V

5 - Atom

Hi @ShankerV, thanks for the quick reply. It looks better, thanks. However I still get an Error Message although its a different one: Error: Formula (124): The field "" is not contained in the record. (Expression #2)

17 - Castor

Hi @Levin128 


Can you please share some screenshots on the error message from Results window.


Also configuration window of the Formula tool 124 please.


Many thanks

Shanker V

5 - Atom

Hi @ShankerV,


I've found the Problem I had another formula-tab open with nothing inside, so it gave me the mentioned Error.


Thanks again for your help

