Hi everyone,
I have some questions with my below workflow. As you can see, my workflow has 2 parts but they have the same structure. I want to write output 1 & output 2 into same sheet (but different range). Besides, I also want to combine these 2 tables to export to another excel file.
However, when I Run, it announces error that "Unable to open file for write. The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process"
How can I fix that?
Thank you so much!
maybe we can try something like below
1. Remove Output1 and 2
2. After the last union, insert a "Block Until Done" tool
3. Use Filter to filter the data for Output 1 then output for Branch 1 of "Block Until Done" tool
4. Same for Output2 with Branch 2
5. Finally output the whole thing.
I agree with @Qiu in that Block Until Done tool is the way to go.
Here is a page which may be relevant to your case.
Writing to multiple tabs in the same Excel file
Good luck.
Hi @anhnguyenngoc2002 - @Qiu suggested a cleaner suggestion, but if you will insert Block Until Dones as below it should also work: