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How to select a value from a list, and add it into a filter / formula

6 - Meteoroid

Hi! I'm trying to create a workflow to determine who among my participant list are late for a course. I know the easiest way is to hardcode a specific "start time" and "end time" so that I filter off those who are early or late, like this below:



However I'm also looking to apply this workflow in the future for other courses, which now means that I will have a variety of start times and end times.


It wouldn't make sense if I create various start/end time filters as that would mean I will then need to manually connect to the "correct" start time and end time every time I use the workflow. 



This is how I envision the workflow to be. But what I'm missing is the connection from selecting specific start and end time, and then sorting and filtering base on the selected start and end time.




Hope to hear from you guys! Probably there's some tools that I'm just not familiar with in Alteryx. 


Thank you!




14 - Magnetar

If you have a table with all the start and end times for each course, you can then just join this to the participant list. You will be able then to use those fields on the IF statement, rather than the hard coded time values. 

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Maybe you mean something like is?

You can define your custmized Start and End Time in the definition table for easy maintenance.


6 - Meteoroid

@gabrielvilella @Qiu Thanks both for the suggestion! Will definitely give it a try. Really appreciate it :) 
