Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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How to keep tab with graphs and pivot tables in xlsm output

7 - Meteor



I currently have an app on the server which outputs data into several sheets within a xlsm file, within the same file i've got a separate tab used to summarise the data of each tab using graphs and pivot tables 


My issue here is when the Alteryx app is ran it creates a new workbook and inputs the new information extracted into their relevant sheets, in doing so the summary sheet doesn't exist since it is creating a new workbook every time it's ran


When i run the app on my desktop it is fine because it'll only update an existing xlsm file on my computer keeping the summary tab 


Is there a way to create an Alteryx app to be ran on the server that will refresh data tabs yet maintain a separate tab consisting of pivot tables and graphs sourcing from the data tabs?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @Tranda,


First can you check if the output tool on the Server version of the workflow set up the same as your desktop version?


Failing that have a look at this thread on outputting to a formatted excel workbook


Kind regards,



7 - Meteor

Hi Dan,


On the server it's using the following setting which unfortunately instead of updating an existing template it's creating a new file in cache with only the sheets with then ew data



