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How to dynamically run and pick up the most recent file as per the Specific File name

6 - Meteoroid

Hi Folks,


Need your suggestion here on How I can pick up the most recent file as per the specifile file name as i need to pick two excel files from the same folder


I have data in same folders, It has multiple excel files, i want to pick up the Two Excel file with the specific name. How is it possible ?


I read on the community page, found option to use Directory + Sort + Sample + Dynamic Input  will help.



Yes, if it will if i will pull the data from a folder. While my requirement was to pull the latest Excel file of the specific name as i need to exctarct two latest

excel file in the same folder.


Have attached my data & Alteryx flow for you to review and suggest how to make it right ? 


Please Help!

14 - Magnetar

If you want to read the two latest files, just insert the number 2 in the Sample tool, rather than 1, using that same approach Directory + Sort + Sample + Dynamic Input. 

11 - Bolide


I think you forgot to attach the workflow:)


BTW for the future: you may want to zip the workflow (i.e. "export workflow") with input files inside alteryx - it is quicker I think:




6 - Meteoroid

I have Resolved the solution.. have added Filter tool 



Thank you all for helping me.. :)

11 - Bolide


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