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How to compare rows' values for 150 columns efficiently?

6 - Meteoroid



I have two questions and would appreciate any help.

I am looking for an efficient way to compare all the vales in rows for all the columns I have.


Issue 1: 

(Column name 1 - 150 with varying values in the row 1 and row 2. )

I have a table with 150 columns and it can have two or more rows. I want to find out which column has a different value from row 1 vs row 2. 

I can do this using multirow formula for 2 or more rows. Is there an efficient way to do this instead of using multiple multirow formula?


Issue 2:

Using the inefficient way- I can get the column names with difference.

Day 1: Let's believe 10 out of 150 columns have different values in row 1 vs row 2. 

Day 2: 15 columns out of 150 columns have different values in row 1 vs row 2.


Is there a way to make the join dynamic- i.e. to get the values of only these 10 columns or 15 columns with join? (These columns are not consistent and will change on different days)


Thank you!




12 - Quasar

@Gelly I believe the best way to go about doing this would be to transpose both data sets then join them together to see any anomalies then you can cross-tab it back out when your happy

13 - Pulsar

As @Deano478- said, The Transpose Tool is definitely the way to go. Do you need to compare all rows or only the top 2? If all the rows, do you want to select the columns where every row doesn't match? Here is a sample that could get the job done, you'll only need some simple tweaking depending on if your needs are different:

