i have some data and a formula tool which creates a column "result".
But in the result calculation i would like to add the Sum of previous results.
But not row specific but the last 5 minutes. (so the needed rows can change)
For example i would like this:
How could i achieve this?
Do i need a interativ macro or is there some default tool that could help?
Hi @df
One quick question, do you need the result to be displayed in all rows for previous five minutes?
From row 11 to 21?
Many thanks
Shanker V
Hi @ShankerV,
yes. Every row needs to have a result.
The calculation needs the sum of previous five minutes.
So for e.g. row 23 i need the sum result of row 11 till 21.
Hi, @df
I used a time anchor hard code of '2022-01-01 10:05:00' for this.
If your actual flow has dynamic date timestamps, update your sample and I will work on an adaptive workflow solution.
Please take a look at the below.
Please mark it as an acceptable solution if it works for you.
Hi @RobertOdera
Thanks for your Workflow.
Its not exactly what i was looking for. Because it does not go through all timestamps.
But i could solve this today with using an iterative makro and a batch makro inside the interative makro.
Yes, sure thing @df!
You can use an iterative macro, and you can use generate rows to achieve dynamic flows.
It helps the community immensely if you articulate your problem statements and if your samples provide the scenarios you anticipate 👍