Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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How do you monitor, log, and alert people to ensure data accuracy in production?

8 - Asteroid

BIG QUESTION! How do you test/monitor your data accuracy within your Alteryx workflows?


You build it today, and of course, it works perfectly. All records match between systems, all select tools set your data types correctly, no records are lost, and your totals all match in the beginning and end; it's amazing.


Two months go by, and this thing is scheduled to run daily to populate your dashboards. One day, someone calls and says the dashboard looks off. It says you have doubled your sales (unlikely), you're missing an employee who just started, and it's not showing the current month's data. What happened?


How are you checking your workflows for accuracy and notifying people if something looks fishy?


Below is a workflow I built years ago with areas on the top and bottom with validation steps. The person running it had to look at the browse tools to see if there were any bad records and to check that the counts matched...weak, but better than nothing.


What do you do in your workflows?

What do you do if you have 100s of workflows in production?


13 - Pulsar



I use the message tool in the developer tab. I test the conditions and send the error - and stop passing records message; If you don't want to interrupt the process, use warning

8 - Asteroid

Does everyone in the company do it the same way? Wondering if this a Governance item that's consistent across all developers or a "choose your own adventure."
