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How Alteryx store spatial data in sqlite and mdb?

5 - Atom

I have spatial polygon data in Alteryx that export in sqlite as blob.

After that I tried to read this data with as well known binary in .net.

Unfortunatelly it says, that geometry type is uknown.


So question is, what is type of binary data, that Alteryx export to Sqlite?




12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

It may be the GeoPackage data file format which I know is stored as a sqlite file.  What is the file extension on the file you are attempting to import?

John Hollingsworth
Clear Channel Outdoor
12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

As to the mdb file containing spatial data, that sounds like it is the ESRI personal geodatabase format.


Both of these formats (GeoPackage and personal geodatabase) seek to answer the problem of portable datasets that conform to modern data typing. By portable, I mean not tied to a server or cloud-based RDBMS.

John Hollingsworth
Clear Channel Outdoor
5 - Atom

Actually, I have some progress here. I found that Alteryx support for projections/srid is quite limited. It is working only for some outputs. Also it is quite dificult to store data in SQL Server as Geography. In most cases format in SQL Server is image and starts with binary 5 0 0 0, it is the same format as the one in SQLite and access mdb. 

At the end I succeded to output file to SQL Server as Geography and as second step transfer from SQL Server to SQLite as WKB.

Would be realy nice if Alteryx supports projections/srid on more Output formats.

5 - Atom

Hi, I'm trying to do the same as you, but I'm curious to know the workflow you followed to get the output with the field type "geography". I'm trying to do the same but with 'geometry'.
