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Getting a FilePath in to Directory Tool Automatically

5 - Atom



I am creating a workflow in where it leverages a directory tool to conduct a series of inventory and data integrity checks over a bunch of files. I want to keep the file path where the Directory Tool pulls from to be pulled from a global hub. In the future, if the file path needs to be changed, it should be done in the global hub (which in the future will be a CSV file).  I've provided a screenshot below.




The main issue is that, obviously, the Directory Tool does not have an input anchor. Is there a way where I can get that file path and put it in to the Directory Tool automatically? 


Thank you in advance!


20 - Arcturus

@apaula just wondering why you need the directory tool if you have already the file paths with you. The function of the directory path is to get the files paths and the other details.  Seems to be you have the full path already defined I don't think you need to use the directory tool in your workflow.
