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Getting Unbale to open file for write error despite using Control Containers

5 - Atom


Hi all,


For months, my team was getting the 'Unable to open file for write' error because we had workflows that outputted to multiple sheets of the same excel file.


When our company finally allowed us to upgrade to version 2023.1, I thought the issue would be resolved by using control containers as this Alteryx article suggested



Unfortunately, even with Control Containers, I still encountering this error.


I initially tried only putting the output tools in the control containers, but now I moved other parts of the workflow into the Control Containers thinking that it would work. It still doesn't.


I tried it with 'Engine compatibility mode' enabled and disabled. Both can result in errors.


When I run it, either it runs fine or 1 or more sheets would encounter this error. 


The output tools which get errors differs each time. 


In one run the 2nd and 5th output tool will have the error.


In another, it may be the 1st and the 4th.


In another, it may be only the 3rd


and so on...


See below for screenshots of instances where I get the 'Unable to open file for write' error while using control containers.




Please assist.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team



The knowledge base article you reference does have the possible solutions to the problem. The control containers are one of those options, but the problem you are having is the opening and closing of Excel. Since you are getting different tools to error this is telling me that depending on the data and the network Excel isn't closing in time.


Typically I would suggest block until done tools as those tools execute the process before moving onto the next. The other options are adding the delay


the Parallel Block Until done which you can get all the Crew tools here


It's difficult to tell exactly what to recommend based on your screenshots as we can't see how many data sources and branches of the workflow you have.

