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Formula Programming Language

7 - Meteor



What programming language is used in formulas?

For example: "IF c THEN t ELSE f ENDIF". Is this XML, R or a language specific to Alteryx?


Thank you.

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hello @arno_bürgin ,


If you mean custom function for use in expressions then you have two choices:

- XML Macro Function (which are just short hand for existing capabilities)

- C++ Functions


If just mean creating columns then the expressions are Alteryx own language similar to Excel or Tableau.




PD: If I did answers your question please consider marking it as solved. It helps the community

7 - Meteor

So If i understand correctly "IF c THEN t ELSE f ENDIF" is either XML or C++?


Anyway, I don't know the difference between "use in expressions" and "creating columns". Does typing a function in the formula tool belong to the former or the latter?

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Typing a function belongs to both.


The formula is C++ but given that usually you do add a new column to the table, the adding a new column is alteryx own language.




PD: If I did answers your question please consider marking it as solved. It helps the community

7 - Meteor

I think I understand now.

The built-in functions are based on Alteryx' own language (this is what you called adding new columns). But I can implement my own custom formulas with C++ or XML Macros, if I need further functionality. Correct?

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hello @arno_bürgin ,


As far as I know you can only use the formulas compatible with your alteryx version. In other words, you can't implement your own formulas like a python library or something similiar to expand the functionality.



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

That's right in what has been said. Alteryx has a huge list of functions that are already written. 


You write the expression inside Alteryx using our own syntax.


You can add in your own formulas by creating a DLL and then adding it in. There is a great article here that hopefully helps too.


We then also have the python tool and R tool if you aren't comfortable with using C++, however these aren't part of the formula tool but tools in their own right.
