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Formula Help !

11 - Bolide



I have 3 rows of Input Data and say if the Product APPLE is classified Under 'True' condition then i don't the same product to be classified in 'False'  condition.


Attached the Expected output .


Many thanks

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hi @suby 


This workflow works for your sample dataset. See if it works on your real data.


Basically, I use the Summarize tool to get each unique combination of product and test value. From there, I filter the false and true values and use a Join to see which records have both values. If there are only false, keep those records. If there are both, keep only the true record. 


Hope this helps!






11 - Bolide



Thanks for your solution is there a simple way of achieving this since my real data set is very complex and have to modify the entire workflow to accommodate your solution.

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora



Please see below:



Attached the workflow,

Hope this helps!


22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @suby 


This approach is truely built only based on your expected output.




1. I am using a sort tool and sorting test on descending. What happens with this is True comes first followed by Fales

2. Using unique tool key column as product i am filtering out duplicates.


This way if true is there for a product it will come at top and comes output


Hope this helps 🙂

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hi @suby 


I can't be exactly sure without details on how your data set differs and what issues you're seeing. The output in the final browse tool in the provided workflow matched the expected output from your image file. To transition, I think the first step would be to change the field names from the ones provided in the sample to the actual field names throughout the workflow. 

11 - Bolide

Thank you all the your solution works.


Many thanks
