I am trying to use find and replace to bring in matched or semi matched strings.
but in my number2 column - this doesnt belong to Louis. It belongs to Ren.
How can I fix this?
@wonka1234 you're seeing Louis next to that number because in the previous step you have conducted a join on the Cust_No, so the number for Louis finds itself. When you do the Find Replace you do actually get the number for Ren - if you tick to append the [Name] field as well you can see this:
This is correct based on the configuration you have - I assume you want this instead!
@wonka1234 your explanation is a bit confusing - can you give us your updated workflow and expected output?
@alexnajm Sorry. I mean I want to do the lookup but Ren shouldnt be found in the final output.. Only if Cust # match then do the find and replace
@wonka1234 based on that explanation, it sounds like you want to do this. If this is not the goal, further explanation will be needed - it is best if we have the final expected output.
@alexnajm yes but then from here I need to compare Number columns... But i dont NEED exact matches, I need to see if Number2 is in Number or closely matched.
If that worked, then what is your expected output?
datsource 2 input -
Name | Cust_No | Nmmber |
Louis | 55555 | 0 |
Ren | 66666 | 6575 |
Louis | 55555 | 6575 |
expected output -
Name | Cust_No | ID | NUM | Right_Name | Right_Cust_No | Nmmber | Name2 | Nmmber2 |
Louis | 55555 | License | 56575 | Louis | 55555 | 0 | Louis | 6575 |
Louis | 55555 | License | 56575 | Louis | 55555 | 6575 | Louis | 6575 |
perhaps even make this one row