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Find Not Null Cells Within a Column and Replace with X

7 - Meteor

I'm very new and not good with the expressions so I can't figure out how to find any cells within a column that contain text (are not null) and replace that text with "X". I thought find and replace would be the way to go, but couldn't figure that out. Then I thought it would be just an expression in the formula tool, but I don't know how to edit the expressions to be anything other than they read. I was thinking: IF c THEN t ELSE f ENDIF?


In the same below I want to replace (San Jose) with an X and leave the other cells in that column blank.


 ZIP  Sales  SPH  Home ZIP
 60126  2000


 60515  200  200  San Jose
 60559  500  20  San Jose
 85210  10000  700


Hopefully this IS as easy as I thought and someone can help me out! Thanks!

7 - Meteor

Thanks a lot to both of you! I really appreciate your help and fast response!

FYI - I'm not sure what the deal was with trying to open the module because I was clicking on the download icon.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

I can possibly answer the question related to downloading the file... Microsoft Edge perhaps?? Each .yxmd file is just an xml file at it's core. In the first few versions, Microsoft Edge does not allow you to save files that it recognises and it recognises this file as an xml, hence why it opens the file. 


If that is not the reason, then I'm not sure....

5 - Atom

Hi there, 


What's the best way to update this so:

1. if a cell in a specific column is "null" then populate with "New" 

2. if the cell is not "null" then keep the existing data as is


The below works  but then it replaces everything that is not null with "X"

IF (IsNull([Home ZIP])) THEN







15 - Aurora

Hi @claroching,

To leave it unaffected in the "else", just put in the field in question; for your example:

IF (IsNull([Home ZIP])) THEN
    [Home ZIP]

Hope that helps!

 - John

5 - Atom

Thanks a mill !!!

5 - Atom

Thanks a mill !!
