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Filter for Number Greater Than

5 - Atom



I am new to Alteryx and trying to learn as I go.


I am trying to use the filter to split between true/false for data in a column greater than 90 but I end up getting the output to be incorrect. In a previous formula I set it up to take the last log in date and give me a number which looks like this: DateTimeDiff(DateTimeToday(),[Last Login Date],"days")


I then want to filter for any number greater than 90 and created a test document with a couple of different ranges of dates. What I am expecting is true to be everything over 90 and false to be under but what I get under false is 4, 366 and 247. 


I cant figure out why my three digit numbers come under false. This is the filter I am using [Days last login] > "90"

filter more than 90.JPG



13 - Pulsar

Hey @fmontante 

Is this what you are looking for? 

Perhaps just ensure that the field you are filtering on its a numerical data type... double, Int ...etc.




5 - Atom



Thanks for the reply. That did not work unfortunately.


Is there a way to make sure the field is numerical data type?

20 - Arcturus

@fmontante One way of doing this




5 - Atom

That worked! Thank you!

17 - Castor

@fmontante in the formula tool where you set up the expression to perform the datediff calculation, make sure the data type is set to something numeric (double, integer etc) - by default new fields being created in the formula tool are set to a string so I’d imagine that’s the issue in your initial approach.



13 - Pulsar

See comment from @DataNath to touch on the data type issue I was raising. 

You have the ability to select a data type when creating a new column with a formula - its important to select the right data type as this will impact the types of transformations you are able to perform. 
