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File Content Created Date via PowerShell

7 - Meteor

Hi everyone,


I am trying to pull in the "Content Created" date into Alteryx as I have a directory of over 30+ files and created a batch macro to avoid schema issues. One thing I need to do is perform trend analysis, in which I need the original day the file was created. At first, I tried using the "Date Created", but noticed that this is showing as the day that I downloaded the files from the internet which is not what I need.


Does anyone know if there is a way to get the original Content Created date for files in a directory? I have tried a Run Command and it seems like it is not able to output the Content Created Date. I have been told PowerShell is an option and I do not have much experience there, so any suggestions would be welcome.





19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @jason79121 


Try adapting the technique I used here to extract the Last Saved By field from an Excel file.  All MS Office docs use the same OpenXML format, so the technique of opening the file as a zip file and parsing the core.xml file should give you Content Created value as well.  You can use this link to find out more about the the OpenXML format


BTW:  You might have got an answer sooner if you had specified what type of file you were reading.  The more we know the faster we can help you!


