Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Error - You can't run this workflow because it includes Alteryx Intelligence

8 - Asteroid

I have downloaded and installed (no errors that it told me and looked successful) Intelligence Suite, I have the license showing successfully under the manage licenses section.  (i even reinstalled Intelligence Suite a 2nd time just to double check)


But when I try to add a machine learning feature like "Predict values" i get the following error


You can't run this workflow because it includes Alteryx Intelligence Suite tools that are not installed. You have to download and install these tools to run this workflow.


Is there any advice you would have 



14 - Magnetar

Please make sure that the IS version matches the Designer version. Admin or Non-admin and the entire version number.

8 - Asteroid

They look close but im only on 2022.3.1.395 for designer, so I'm wondering if i might need to add the patch to bring them into alignment ?

16 - Nebula

To resolve this issue, you need to download and install the Alteryx Intelligence Suite tools on your Alteryx Designer installation. Here's how:

  1. Go to the Alteryx Downloads page (
  2. Log in to your Alteryx account.
  3. Locate the Alteryx Intelligence Suite tools and click the "Download" button.
  4. Follow the instructions to install the tools on your Alteryx Designer installation.
  5. Restart Alteryx Designer.

Once you have installed the Alteryx Intelligence Suite tools, you should be able to run your workflow that includes the tools without encountering this issue.

8 - Asteroid

Hey Raj, thanks for the message,


I have done that, , I went and got the latest version 2022.3.1.430 of AI and made sure I got the admin version like Designer is. 

I also confirmed I have Designer to  2022.3.1.430 with the patch so that should all be aligned up.


but still getting the error, i removed and readded the license just to see if that would trigger anything but no luck.

8 - Asteroid

I found a installinfo  file and it has :




but still getting the same error message  , i have even done a delete of designer and install again

16 - Nebula

try running this workflow

14 - Magnetar

I'd contact support at this point.

8 - Asteroid

Coming back with the same error for them all, I've done some screenshots

8 - Asteroid

Does anyone know where in the directory paths I should be able to find the files if AI did install successfully?
