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Efficient way to filter and then delete if conditions are present using formula function

6 - Meteoroid



I am trying to filter certain conditions in my workflow so that if the data contains the stated condition it is deleted. For example, if in the 'journal description' column of the data it states "Revalue Revaluation Result" then I would like to remove this from the data. 


I am currently using the filter function to perform this task (If it does contain this then this is grouped to the true output of the filter function). The custom filter I am using is working, however I was wondering if there was a more efficient way to include these filters, possibly using the formula function since I have more conditions to include. A 'contains and then delete' formula would be useful. Is there are more efficient way or would I keep using filter functions off of the 'false' branch of the previous output. 


Attached is the current custom filter as well as some of the workflow. Please let me know. 


Thank you 



12 - Quasar

Hey, @thalil.


Not exactly sure what you need to achieve, but from your pictures I see what your filter is doing.


You could use a Formula tool to create a new column and have it be, for example, a Boolean data type that says whether that row's "Journal Description" column has a value of "Revalue Revaluation Result." This way you could group data and not split your data as you are with the Filter tool.

13 - Pulsar

Filter is probably the best method. You can include multiple statements in the Filter tool using a combination of AND/OR. And if you want it to show the correct data on the True side change your formula to != instead. It will put the correct flow of data on the True side instead of the False side.
