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Dynamically select and output common column based on whether it matches existing column

8 - Asteroid



I have a (input) dataset of the form as below wherein I have an input data column called Data which I want to match/compare against the other columns (1-4)


Input Data 




What I want essentially is a subset columns for eg in this case Data is matching with column 1, so I only want to output column 1.


Output Data form-I want to keep the column called 1 and not the column called Data




 Looking for a dynamic solution since my " Data" column details could change depending on user input (app) and could match details of column "2" in which case my output should be column "2" only. 

I may have some stagnant columns x,y,z in input which I want to keep as an output irrespective. 


I tried to implement it using multifield and join tool-I guess multi row and multi field might be required together-not sure how to go about this-any help on this is appreciated.




13 - Pulsar



Find in attachement the way of doing this.


It can work with as many fields as you want. 🙂


Let me know if there is any issue and do not hesitate to mark this answer as solution if it works.




8 - Asteroid

This is awesome ! Thanks as lot @Emmanuel_G  :) 

