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Dynamically add values from target and source columns

6 - Meteoroid
Hello! I have 20 columns in the target dataset containing numbers and 20 more in the source dataset containing growth rate constants. I have appended the two datasets together to make it easier to call out the values. My target and source datasets have the same column names.

The next step I would like to take is to dynamically add the values in the target and source columns. I'm aware I could do [_CurrentField_] * (constant) if the constant values are the same but the problem is each column in the source target has a different value. Please help me how to add values from an appended dataset together. Thanks!
6 - Meteoroid
I wrote "[_CurrentField_] * constant" but i meant "+". Addition not multiplication. Sorry fpr the typo!
12 - Quasar

Hi @kristinecp ,

Can you include sample input files and expected  output file  ?

6 - Meteoroid

Hi, benakesh. I recreated what I'm trying to do in Excel. Hope it helps. 

I would like to add up each value in the selected columns: mpg, hp and drat. How can I do this without recreating multiple formulas? Can the multi-field formula tool do this?


12 - Quasar

Hi @kristinecp ,

You can use one formula after  transpose .  

Hope this helps .

6 - Meteoroid

Thanks for the solution. Just what I needed!
