Hello I have a data in which i have to make a dynamic column using formula maybe. so, I have to perform below task.
Example consider quarter as March ending then I want dates in below format.
1. 3/31/2023 to 6/30/2023
(Last date of current quarter & last date of next quarter)
2. 7/1/2023 to 3/31/2024 -- (This is 365 Dates plus from quarter end date)
3. 4/1/2024 -- (3/31/2024 + 1 Day) to 3/31/2026 -- (4/1/2024 +365days+365days+1day)
4. 4/1/2026 -- (3/31/2026+ 1 day)
In blue I have highlighted how the dates are coming. These should be refreshed every quarter automatically.
Is it doable in Alteryx not sure. Can someone help? Attaching excel for reference.
For #2 and #3, click the Generate Rows tool under the Preparation palette, then click Open Example.
Here are a few related posts for various Date Dimensions:
The macro Dim_Datetime_Custom.yxmc calculates several date columns
problem with solution above: generates row for 12/30, should be 12/31