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Dynamic Input - outgoing data types

5 - Atom

Hi, I'm using a dynamic input tool to connect to an Oracle database and I cannot get it to output the numeric data correctly.


The underlying data is held as a numeric but the tool insists on outputting the data as an INT64.  I've tried to explicitly cast the column in the select statement to a decimal(20,6) but it doesn't change the tool's output.


This is causing rounding issues down the line when comparing source to destination; does anyone have any hints or tips?




5 - Atom

Ok, stand down, managed to solve it myself.  I'd previously run the select against a query where the data was held as an int (even thought the column data type was still a number) and the tool stuck with that regardless of subsequent queries pointing to non-int data.


I reconfigured the select statement to point at data that definitely had decimal places and that forced the tool to set the data type correctly.
