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Doubt about XML Parse

7 - Meteor

Hi Community!

I am trying to read an invoice in XML format, I need to divide or get the information from the "Impuestos" field.
I I used "XML parse" tool but I did not get all the fields.

Please, can anybody help me?
Thanks for your attention 😄


19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @Hannia_Ruíz 


Can you attach the "duda parse.yxdb" file?  


Also:  The results that you see in any result pane that is NOT in a Browse tool only displays the first 256 characters of any string.  This is a mechanism to conserve memory and only affects the display of the strings and not the strings themselves.  If you want to see the entire contents of the string, attach a Browse tool to an output and examine the string in the results pane of the browse tool.



7 - Meteor

No, that's not the problem, but I was able to solve it. Thank you so much! 
