Hello all,
I'm trying to run the Directory tool and within a certain workflow the tool just won't run, and therefore causing errors since no data is feeding into the subsequent tools. I've copy and pasted this "flow" of tools into a new canvas and it works perfectly. What causes the directory tool to error out like this?
There could be several reasons why it is happening, the screen shot does not help as we cannot see how you configured the Directory tool. If you will send a snippet of the configuration we might be able to help you.
Try the absolute path first, then convert to relative by going to Options > Advanced Options > Workflow Dependencies to make sure you got the syntax correct!
Hello @Swederton,
As I came across an issue using the Directory tool before, I think your issue might be the same.
Can you try adding "\" to the end of the path so that the path looks like this:
..\..\01 Inputs\2023 Inputs\
File specification (*.*) can remain the same.
If I remember correctly, this has to do with AMP Engine being enabled, in which case it looks for a "\" at the end of the path and if there is none, it produces the error "Cannot make clean path".