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Directory Tool Bug

6 - Meteoroid

Hello all,


I'm trying to run the Directory tool and within a certain workflow the tool just won't run, and therefore causing errors since no data is feeding into the subsequent tools. I've copy and pasted this "flow" of tools into a new canvas and it works perfectly. What causes the directory tool to error out like this?

13 - Pulsar

There could be several reasons why it is happening, the screen shot does not help as we cannot see how you configured the Directory tool. If you will send a snippet of the configuration we might be able to help you.

6 - Meteoroid

I don't think there's anything unusual about the relative path being used

18 - Pollux
18 - Pollux

Try the absolute path first, then convert to relative by going to Options > Advanced Options > Workflow Dependencies to make sure you got the syntax correct!

11 - Bolide

Hello @Swederton,


As I came across an issue using the Directory tool before, I think your issue might be the same.


Can you try adding "\" to the end of the path so that the path looks like this:

..\..\01 Inputs\2023 Inputs\

File specification (*.*) can remain the same.


If I remember correctly, this has to do with AMP Engine being enabled, in which case it looks for a "\" at the end of the path and if there is none, it produces the error "Cannot make clean path".

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