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Directory - Full Path - Truncated

5 - Atom

The "FullPath" field is truncated when I use the "Directory" tool to pull out the data. I know you could move the file location or shorten the file names to avoid the issue of truncation, but are there other ways that I could bypass the truncation issue when I choose to extract a complete "FullPath" field from "Directory"?


I am trying to utilize the "fullpath" field in the later stage of the workflow.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @YearOfAssessment ,


The only suggestion I can think of is to use the Directory column + filename. It will add 260 characters to your string max.




Fernando Vizcaino


5 - Atom

That came across my mind too, but unfortunately it didn't work since the filepath is just too long.


Thank you for the idea though.


My solution unfortunately is doing what I did not wanted to do, shortening the file names. 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @YearOfAssessment , have you tried using the Select tool after the Directory tool, and manually change the Data Type to “V_WString”, and Data Size to something bigger (e.g. 99999999) - and see if this trick works?


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5 - Atom

Hi mutama,


I have seen that post before. Correct me if i am wrong, but the moment the data came out from "Directory", the field would have been truncated already. Changing the size of the field after would not retrieve the original complete field.


I tried testing your method, and unfortunately it did not work for me.








