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Detour Tool - question

6 - Meteoroid



Please find attached a simply workflow.

My idea was:

- if user select Category = „Other” the Sum will be calculated (workflow connected with L anchor of Detour Tool – „True”)

- if user select Category <>„Other” the Min will be calculated (workflow connected with R anchor of Detour Tool – „False”)


The problem is that in both cases only L anchor is activated. There is no Category which activates R anchor.

Maybe I don’t understand correctly how Detour Tool works...


Thank you in advance for explanation.

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @Arek,


You need to ensure the correct section you want to update is highlighted in the action tool. In your case ensure you've highlighted the @value - value="False" to update whether the detour tool is turned to the right or not (true -> right). You weren't previously updating the correct part in the action tool, but changing this solves your issue!




If this solves your issue please mark the answer as correct, if not let me know! I've attached your updated app for you to download if needed.





ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Use answer above by @Jonathan-Sherman !....I was suggesting radio button or check box.

6 - Meteoroid

Hi Jonathan,

It's clear now, I've missed highlighting it. It works now. Thank you !


I did another test and I have an additional question. I've updated Detour Tool as showed below and it works as before (if Other (true) -  R anchor, if not Other (false) - L anchor).

Previously I expected that after checking "Detour to the Right" it will work reversely. Now I think it doesn't matter what value is at the beginning (False as before or True as now) because I'm updating this value so the result is the same. Am I right ?






15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @Arek,


You're exactly right - you're updating the value so it doesn't matter what it is to start with. If you wanted to work it reversely you could change your formula inside the action tool to read


IIF([#1]="Other", "False", "True")


Swapping "False" and "True" round would reverse the output options used.


If this solves your issue please mark the answer as correct, if not let me know!




6 - Meteoroid

Thank you very much Jonathan !



