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Designer write multiple ranges in a same tab

8 - Asteroid

Hi All,


I am trying to update 4 columns individually in a worksheet where I have more than 20 columns. 

I have tried to use Output data component with different ranges, but getting error 

"Error: Output Data (7): Unable to open file for write: C:\Output_Data.xlsx - Can't open file: C:\Output_Data.xlsx: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. (32)"


Let me know if any workaround for this to write 4 columns in a same tab from a different source.

13 - Pulsar



Did you make sure that the excel files were closed the flow was running ?

8 - Asteroid



Yes, The workbook is closed. I am writing the same excel 4 times using 4 output components, for the 1st one it is running without any issues, for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th I am getting error.

13 - Pulsar



Ahh I understand better.


It is normal to have this error message. In fact when the first output tool is writing, the others are also doing it at the same time.


To resolve this issue, use the Block until done tool. It will make it possible to run the outputs one after the other without overlapping.


You have three output anchors, you can bind each of the 3 anchors to an output tool.


And if you have more outputs, you can add another block until done tool connected to one of the anchors of the previous block until done tool and so on.


Is it clear to you?

8 - Asteroid



Could you please help me with a sample workflow

13 - Pulsar



Find the test in attachement;


Note that it would be ideal to select Overwrite Sheet or Range on line 3 Output options.



