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Designer: Capturing L,J,R Join Results using a Union

6 - Meteoroid



I'm a new Alteryx User trying to figure out something that should be simple.


I have two data sets that I joined and I'm trying to capture 'all' the results. Meaning I want to see results from the Left (L), Joined (J) and Right (R). To combine each of the results sets, I brought in a Union app and have 3 arrows going from each of the L,J & R tabs into the Union app.


Join Union Example.png

The issue I'm encountering is Record 1 above is coming from the R Join and I would expect the 1000 Gallons to be under the Gallons - F column and not the Gallons - A column. The Joins are on Year, Month, Org, Dest and Carrier.


If you click on the R Join, the data looks correct so I'm not sure why it's falling under the wrong column in the Union.


Join Union Example1.png

17 - Castor

Hi @ckuhn003 


How is your union configured? Based on your description it sounds like it is set to 'Auto Config by Position'. Try 'Auto Config by Name'

17 - Castor

Hi @ckuhn003 , You need to change the configuration of Union tool to "Auto config by Name" from "Auto config by position" using the dropdown as below:




Sapna Gupta
6 - Meteoroid

Thank you Luke & Sapna. I was not aware of this union configuration. Which is exactly what I was looking for.
