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Date Conversion cleanup (removing time from output)

8 - Asteroid

I am using the formula DateTimeParse to change a string of dd/mm/yyyy to yyyy-mm-dd and then the DateTimeTrim to get an eom result.  The output I was getting also included 23:59:59 and so I truncated the size to 10.  That, however, gives me warnings all the way down about the truncating.  What I am I missing in my formulas to not show the end of the day time along with the date for eom?



17 - Castor

Hey @ppatane the warnings are just exactly that - warnings. They're just letting you know that you're cutting off trailing parts of the string (i.e. the time part as it's a DateTime). If you want to avoid these, instead of reducing the field size to 10, I'd just change the data type to a 'Date' - this will only keep the date part and cut off the time element naturally.

8 - Asteroid

Date format, of course.  Thank you!
