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Database comparison

5 - Atom



Been checking quite a few solutions but haven't been able to apply in my situation. 


I want to clean a lot of data in the system in order to categorize each material to the correct product. What i want to achieve from the workflow is:


1. Identify which materials have more than one attribute assiged. The material appears multiple times depending on the number of locations its available and each the attribute can be different depending on the location. The material should have the same attribute in all locations, identify which are not i the first step in order to do the cleaning. 


2. From one update to another of the database i want to identify any change. This i think is easy my creating a KEY for each record (material+location+attribute) and join it with the latest updated database wit the same KEY


For the first objective:

I've attached some Sample data, the idea would be to identify:


Material DEF has 2 different attribute in "Barcelona - A" and "Avila - C"

Material FPG has 2 different attribute ""Mallorca, Ibizi,- B" and "Formentera - F"


The true datasource has 800k records which would need to compare with the same but the updated. Total workflow will work with 1.6M lines. 



kind regards,


13 - Pulsar

Hi @Kylpat 


I would probably do something similar to this approach. 



I'm using the Summarize Tool to group by material and count the distinct attributes. I then just join it back to the original data, and anything with more than one attribute is flagged as a mismatch. 







5 - Atom

Thank! It work perfectly and allowed me to audit other attributes !

