Hi, I would like to ask about Date Translation.
I would like to get firstofmonth&lastofmonth with Formula IN-DB tool.
How can I translate date with Formula IN-DB tool ?
When I have tried EOMONTH, I got error message...
The IN-DB tools use the syntax associated with the database, so you'll need to share what kind of database you're working with.
Thank you for your replying.
>The IN-DB tools use the syntax associated with the database
I see, and I use snowflake database.
I checked snowflake's documantation and could get belowing answers...!
FirstDayOfMonth: to_date(concat(YEAR(current_date()),'-',MONTH(current_date()),'-','01'))
LastDayOfMonth: LAST_DAY(current_date())
If you have other solutions, please let me know.