Hello, I'd like to create a Pivot as in Excel, with the Count of the Request# and the aging's average.
Thanks for support,
Do you have specific questions about creating the pivot?
Essentially, the pivot would have a group by on the first field. This would determine each individual line. From there, you'd do a count on any of the fields, and an average on the aging field. I'm not sure where the first column of your example is coming from, so I used region and owners to example the functionality.
Hope this helps!
I want the output as my image attached. WF step is STEP Metrics.
Did you see the image attached? Your output is not that. I need to have a major Group based on Region. Under each Region I need to see three columns: 1) STEP metrics (under each category I need to see Owner's grouping), 2) Count of Request# for each Owner's category 3) Avg of aging for each Owner's category