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Custom API 404 error

14 - Magnetar

Hi all


Looking to set up a custom API to be able use power automate tool on the server.


When I press on the hyperlink on the page to take me to custom API application - I get a 404 error, wanted to know if anyone could help me find the link or help provide the required documentation?




19 - Altair

I am 95% sure that  custom API application refers to a custom api application in power automate (and this is trying to explain how to get a clientid/client secret).


Maybe -


The Alteryx page is trying to explain that you can't connect via SSO from Server.

9 - Comet
19 - Altair

@Gaurav_Dhama_ no - I believe he has the tool - the documentation in the Alteryx section on the tool makes it sounds like the custom app is on the Alteryx/Alteryx Server side. It is not - it is on the Power Automate side. To further confuse matters - there is a link on the page which does not work.

14 - Magnetar

@apathetichell you're right found this


but that is for 2024.1 but we use 2023.1 (both server and desk top) so does anyone know if this documentation still holds? Or again where I could find it?


This the page for 2023.1, but when I click on


set up MS azure api I still get a 404 error

19 - Altair

@aatalai That page would still be relevant the key takeway here is you must set up the custom app in Azure/Power BI  - not Alteryx. You must use that style connection vs a connect via browser when publishing to Server.

14 - Magnetar

@apathetichell we spoke to our technical lead at Alteryx and you were right thanks - i.e the 2024.1 documentation still being valid
