Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Creating a Line Chart for each Row

8 - Asteroid

I need to create a Line Chart for each Row in table. Let's say i have 5rows then i need to create 5 Line charts. Here i will take 1st column as a X- axis and remaining all columns has to comes as Y-axis for each chart.


Can anyone please give a suggestion on how to create 5 Line charts for 5rows.




13 - Pulsar

Hey @VijayAnaparthi,


It is not possible to achive this with multiple Y-Columns though, you would need to transpose thoose into a single one before building your Chart. 


To create multiple line charts instead of a single one you can use the "Batch" option in the Interactive Chart Tool. This allows you to Group by a field. For each value in this field a single chart will be created. 


E.g. this will create a chart for each unique value in "Field1".





See the attached example for batched charts. 
