Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Core Certifications

8 - Asteroid

Hello Professionals,


I'm confused how to solve challenges such as: compute the averages on an excel file for a field that combines both numbers and texts. E.g., a column shows the dates and a column shows all numbers. I could convert the dates to view weekdays, but Excel doesn't allow me to filter specific date. Please instruct me how to work on problems like these.


Thank you,

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

hi @hlannguyen 

Are these real data provided during Core exam? If so, you should cancel your post because disclosing the exam material would be violation to terms&condition.

14 - Magnetar

Agree with @gawa 

8 - Asteroid

Hello @gawa ,


My apologies I didn't know about that. I removed the files and edited the post. Please let me know if it's okay now. However, I'm still confused how to solve those issues. Much appreciated if professionals could guide me where to access the learning resources to clear my confusion.

8 - Asteroid

Hello @aatalai ,


I'm using this learning path but don't see something similar to help clear my confusion. Much appreciated if you can guide me more how to solve challenges like this.

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

@hlannguyen My strong recommendation is "Weekly Challenges"


Try to solve the past challenges which difficulty is 'Basic' and certification level is 'Core'. When you finish a dozen of challenges, you will be naturally ready to pass.

8 - Asteroid

Thank you @gawa for the link. Working on weekly challenges now.
