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Copy Column from Excel Sheet A to Sheet B

5 - Atom

Hi, All! I am very new to Alteryx and I am trying to set it up for a monthly report I run.  An example of Sheet A from last month:

NameDescriptionProgram IDProgramDate1Date2Date3Local Y/N
ID-100Product 100P-1201A1/1/20171/1/20171/1/2017Y
ID-100Product 100P-1201A1/2/20171/2/20171/2/2017Y
ID-101Product 101P-145B1/3/20171/3/20171/3/2017N
ID-102Product 102P-1356C1/4/20171/4/20171/4/2017UNKNOWN
ID-103Product 103P-1707D1/5/20171/5/20171/5/2017Y
ID-104Product 104P-238E1/6/20171/6/20171/6/2017N
ID-105Product 105P-997F1/7/20171/7/20171/7/2017N
ID-106Product 106P-1043G1/8/20171/8/20171/8/2017Y
ID-107Product 107P-556H1/9/20171/9/20171/9/2017N
ID-107Product 107P-556H1/10/20171/10/20171/10/2017N


Each month I get a new sheet.  Some Products have dropped off, some new products have been added.  Dates may have changed.  The second sheet does not contain the "Local Y/N" column because that was added through a manual lookup of each product to determine if the product is offered in my local region or not.  Sheet B looks like this when I get it:

NameDescriptionProgram IDProgramDate1Date2Date3
ID-100Product 100P-1201A1/1/20171/1/20171/1/2017
ID-100Product 100P-1201A1/2/20171/2/20171/2/2017
ID-101Product 101P-145B1/3/20171/3/20171/3/2017
ID-102Product 102P-1356C1/4/20171/4/20171/4/2017
ID-104Product 104P-238E1/6/20171/6/20171/6/2017
ID-105Product 105P-997F1/7/20171/7/20171/7/2017
ID-106Product 106P-1043G1/8/20171/8/20171/8/2017
ID-107Product 107P-556H1/9/20171/9/20171/9/2017
ID-108Product 108P-894I1/10/20171/10/20171/10/2017


I am trying to get Alteryx add the Local Y/N column to Sheet B and then copy the values for those items where there is a match in the first 4 columns and mark any that have no match as "UNKNOWN".   When done, Sheet B output would look like this:


NameDescriptionProgram IDProgramDate1Date2Date3Local Y/N
ID-100Product 100P-1201A1/1/20171/1/20171/1/2017Y
ID-100Product 100P-1201A1/2/20171/2/20171/2/2017Y
ID-101Product 101P-145B1/3/20171/3/20171/3/2017N
ID-102Product 102P-1356C1/4/20171/4/20171/4/2017UNKNOWN
ID-104Product 104P-238E1/6/20171/6/20171/6/2017N
ID-105Product 105P-997F1/7/20171/7/20171/7/2017N
ID-106Product 106P-1043G1/8/20171/8/20171/8/2017Y
ID-107Product 107P-556H1/9/20171/9/20171/9/2017N
ID-108Product 108P-894I1/10/20171/10/20171/10/2017UNKNOWN


Any help you can give me will be greatly appreciated.

Jennifer Eldridge

5 - Atom

Note - I am using Version 10.6, if that makes a difference in how to complete this task.


9 - Comet

Seems like a join between Sheet A (Left) and Sheet B (Right) is where you start. In the Join output, include all cols from Sheet B + Local Y/N from Sheet A. Then take the Left Output and add a column Local Y/N = "UNKNOWN" using Formula Tool. Union the result. Would that work?

5 - Atom

Thank you!  I tried Join, I tried Union, but I didn't think to combine them in 2 steps this way.  Now I get my end result in less than 1 second (as opposed to hours for a manual update).

