Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Converting Date to String

I need to convert a date to a string and then back to a date as I am experiencing the problem outlined in this article.  How do you go about converting a Date to String?

10 - Fireball

Hi !


Did you take a look at the DateTime Tool in the Parse section ?

19 - Altair
19 - Altair



To change a date to a string, use the DateTimeFormat(dt,f) function in a formula tool (Find examples of the function under the DateTime section on this page).  The syntax for the format string, the f parameter, is unique to Alteryx so check out DateTimeFunctions.htm for samples




Hi Dan, 


I am trying to convert a Date Field (coming from Salesforce) into a String or Number as when I attempt to move the date field to Amazon RedShift it gives me an error because there are blank values (not all rows have certain dates completed).   With that said, I have read that I can turn the date field into a string or number and then work with it outside of Alteryx (within Tableau) that way. 


Everything I see is about turning a string into a date, not the other way. 


Thanks in advance for any further assistance you can provide. 


10 - Fireball



The DateTime tool allows you to convert a Date field to a string, or even the Select tool allows you to do so.


Isn't taht what you are looking for? 




That does help… I now get Delimiter not found error.

10 - Fireball



Could you post a screenshot? 


And meanwhile try to change to format with the Select tool, it's the simpliest way.


I could help further if you provide a sample of data

Figured it out… Turns out I needed to uncheck this field on Output Data (to Redshift).

10 - Fireball



Great to hear :D 


Could you please mark this as solved ? 
